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Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

naruto mugen

Naruto Mugen New Era 2012 

DOWNLOAD GAME Naruto Mugen New Era 2012 (PC/ENG)

Naruto Mugen New Era 2012 The distinction between this version with the previous mugen is concerning a way to coordinate 2P button whereas enjoying, though the mugen eleven still not overcome. a complete of eighty seven full character in naruto, that character picker, not a dozen press the button to pick a personality as sturdy as in mg.11 sounds but the eleven however they knocked on skin the previous (and abundant nicer) every character incorporates a vary of 5-6 skin, skin is over a dozen guy invariably tell you ways to use the skin: it's straightforward 

System Requirements 
Windows XP/7
800 MHz Pentium IV or Better 
512 RAM 
700 MB Free Space

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Size: 700 MB - Update link NOVember 2012

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